Here is what patients are saying about Durango Community Acupuncture
Receiving acupuncture treatments prior to ivf allowed me to prepare for the procedure and deal with any discomforts that arose. I was able to mentally and physically be in the best place possible for the ivf procedure . Post treatment gave me the opportunity to do everything possible for a successful ivf . I was able to feel like I was giving all my blood flow and energy to the embryo inside of me . Working with Julie at the clinic was my haven. I was able to go there and let go of all the fears. I was able to turn inward and focus on the real task… A baby! I trusted julie and knew that as a team we were doing all that we could to bring a baby to life …. And it worked!
K.C. Durango, CO
"I believe that acupuncture had a profound effect on my body in preparation for a baby. I had been trying to get pregnant for about a year and thought I might not be able to when I finally went to see Julie. After only 2 months of working with her, I got pregnant. I saw her throughout my first trimester and I am now the mother of a happy healthy boy. Julie also helped me with my postpartum care. When I felt I may have had a bit of postpartum depression, I went to Julie again and with the combination of Acupuncture and Chinese herbs, I was able to get my body back on track and I have felt great ever since. I am so thankful that Julie was recommended to me, and I would recommend any woman struggling with possible fertility issues to see her."
Durango, CO